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  • Writer's pictureSuzanne Flammer

May 21, 2020 - Day 42 of Flexible Learning

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! It is unreal to think that we have reached this part in the year. I love the warm weather and all summer activities. Please take the time to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. Thank You to all that serve. I will definitely be celebrating differently, but I will make sure it is wonderful. Enjoy your long weekend and the unofficial start to summer!

Please note it is important to keep in mind your child's IEP goals. These skills may be addressed through the provided activities as well as the very natural everyday interactions such as daily routines and play. Play with your child as play is a child's work. All areas of development - cognitive, social/emotional, motor, and speech/language skills are achieved through everyday activities including play. It is through play that your child learns, grows, and will retain new skills and information.

These are all suggestions for you to have in one location; if you find, that you need additional resources for your child. Our key word is Flexible and that is very important when working with young children. If you are in need of other resources, please just contact me. I will continue to send a morning email each school day with links to this page, Ms. Cosgrove's morning message, and attendance form.

Please continue to email me your pictures. I love seeing your faces!

Theme: Butterflies/Flowers

Suggested Activities

Calendar Activities

Month of May Song

Days of the Week Song

Counting Song

StarFall Calendar

Flower Garden Craft

This video provides a how to to create a flower garden sponge painting... could also use,

q-tips and fingerprints to add more creativity to your painting!

Fingerprint Caterpillar Counting Activity

Create your own caterpillar sheet. Add a number to the box in front of the caterpillar head. With crayons or markers, have your preschooler identify the number and then add the correct number of circles for the caterpillar’s body. If the box has a 5, fingerprint or draw 5 circle from the caterpillar head. If the box says 10, fingerprint or draw ten circles. Fun ways to change up the activity include using blocks, beads, unifix cubes, or using a paper towel tube to make the caterpillar head and circles for the body. Using circle stickers would also be fun!

Butterfly Snack

Peel a banana and cut a slit into each side. With the tip of your knife, scoop out a small amount of the fruit.  Set the banana aside for a moment. Make Wings - Spread a small amount of peanut butter or jelly on each graham cracker, and top with fruit, nuts or sweets. Add Wings to Banana - Gently press each cracker into the slits that you’ve cut into the banana. Add Eyes and Antennae - With a tiny amount of peanut butter, attach the chocolate chip eyes to the front of the banana butterfly. Press antennae into top of the banana. As always, create this snack with foods that you have easily available and have your child do as much as possible. Please send pictures of your creations!


Enjoy exploring various websites to reinforce skills. Please reach out if you need assistance logging into your child's accounts. Please remember IXL can be reached through Roxbury Classlink using your child's email account.


KhanAcademyKids App - This is an app that would need to be downloaded to your own device. The app is free of charge.

Letter Review Weekly Activities

We have completed our weekly letters. The remaining weeks of the year will focus on reviewing and reinforcing letter recognition as well as initial sounds. The suggested activities are designed to be practiced throughout the week.

Letter Activities and Alphabet Songs

Alphabet Name Letter Hunt / ABC Hunt

Have your child write their name on a piece of paper or index card. You may need to assist your child. Have your child look through books, magazines, and or newsprint to hunt for letters from their name. Let them check off each letter of their name on the paper or card. Extend the activity - find pictures or objects of items that begin with the sounds from the letters of their name. Find upper and lowercase letters. Write family members' names and repeat activity. Extend activity to have your child find all letters of the alphabet. You may need to write letters to have your child match the letter. Have your child name letter and say initial sound of letter.

Rainbow Name

Have your child write their name in pencil. You may need to assist your child. Have your child trace each letter using 1 color of the rainbow for each letter. Repeat with a 2nd, 3rd, etc colors.

Letter - Mystery Box

Find and place 5-7 items/pictures that begin with the a single letter. Have your child label each item/picture - talk about the item/picture - place items/pictures in box. Have your child recall the items that have been placed into the box. Repeat this activity daily with your child. Some items/pictures will be recalled easily - others may require a clue. Make this into a game with your child. This is an activity that we do during our circle time and was enjoyed by all.

Sensory Writing/Play dough/Object Letters

Write your name as well as other letters and numbers in shaving cream, rice, sand, or flour. Any substance will work to give your child that sensory input when writing letters.

Use play dough to form letters. You may write a letter on a piece of paper and have your child roll out play dough to cover the letter. Cover the letter with small objects such as buttons, beads, cereal, or macaroni.

Letter Scavenger Hunt

Have your child search for items that begin with letter any single letter. Have your child name/label each item emphasizing the beginning sound of the letter


The Very Hungry Caterpillar - A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure

Butterfly / Spring Songs

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